On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 02:09:00PM +0000, Ben Green wrote:
> I've got ltsp-5.2.4 on Debian Squeeze up and running, it's running
> great... except... USB local devices are not working. Some stuff is
> firing, but it seems that lbmount doesn't seem to be doing it's job.
> The setup is as follows, Linux-Vserver guest as the host LTSP
> server. AMD64 install with a i386 chroot.

ltspfs uses fuse, and it seems like there may be some additional vserver
configuration needed to use fuse:


that's a post about using sshfs in a vserver, which also uses fuse. perhaps it
is relevent for ltspfs also.

there are also more recent posts:


alternately, there *might* be ltspfs-specific 32-bit/64-bit incompatibilities,
but my memory is a bit hazy on that.

live well,

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