You can install LTSP using Ubuntu has a native support for LTSP
so during the boot process you can press F5 i guess and option will appear
asking you if you want to install Ubuntu as LTSP choose this option and you
get LTSP.

Best Regards,

Mahmoud Ramadan Ali

Network and VOIP Specialist.

Mobil: (+2) 01276877112

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On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 5:47 AM, Mark Foley <> wrote:

> I would like to experiment with LTSP. Unfortunately, my distro (Slackware)
> is
> not one of those listed on your installation page and the reference to "If
> your
> favorite distribution is not listed below, you can also package it
> directly from
> the upstream sources. You can us the packaging instructions as a guideline"
> completely lost me. I've not used and have no clue what to
> do
> there.
> However, I do have access to a rudimentary howto from some folks who have
> done
> this on Slackware and could possibly follow those instructions. This was
> done on
> an older version and they reference the source files at
>, which doesn't exist and it an old version
> anyway.
> Where can I get the current sources?
> --Mark Foley
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