Thijs Schreijer <thijs@...> writes:

> 1) it assumes that Windows has a different way to detect the platform than
other platforms. So the windows
> build systems must be told explicitly what version of windows it is being
build on/for. Apparently on *nix
> this is handled by the buildsystem. Kind a makes sense as Windows usually
does binary distribution, where
> *nix uses mostly source distribution.
> 2) it assumes that the standard way of telling the build system what to
build for is using `WINVER` and
> `_WIN32_WINNT`. Are these standard? Are there any others?

This is link:

In short. 
> Certain functions that depend on a particular version of Windows are
declared using conditional code. 
>The Windows header files use macros to indicate which versions of Windows
support many programming elements. Therefore, you must define these macros
to use new functionality introduced in each major operating system release.
(Individual header files may use different macros; therefore, if compilation
problems occur, check the header file that contains the definition for
conditional definitions.)

I think by default MS`s compiler use compilation platform version. But MinGW
use 0x500(Win2k)?

> 3) it assumes that "target platform == compilation platform" (no cross
compilation). This is safe I guess
> for LR on Windows.

Yes. this is my point. Several years ago i work on Win2k and build code for
Win2k3 server. There was some incomparability and i need different binaries
for Win2k and WinXP/Win2k3.

May be luarocks could provide way to detect win version in rockspec. But it
make rockspecs more difficult. 

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