Just my thoughts on this. When I first started getting into mailing
lists I violated every code of netiqette and got flamed like Johnny
Torch on the Fantastic Four because of it.

        I think if a list policy had been in place it would have avoided this
discussion as Edward could have simply been pointed to it. Don't lock
the list down into some nazi set of rules of what can and can't be
posted. Leave it open and free. 

        As a result, I am sure Edward has a very bad taste in his mouth about
Linux users in general. If anyone knows who this guy is, then someone
should go to him and explain it and also tell him of the positive change
he has inacted on the list.

        Scott, I like the way you worded the policy, it is not harsh and it is
in passive voice. Which makes it sound like the policy is only trying to
help the user post effectively. I think you did a fine job on this. Your
a credit to the list. ;)


On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 08:43, R. Scott Belford wrote:
> Joe Linux wrote:
> >
> >
> > R. Scott Belford wrote:
> >
> >> I tried to address this with the following: "Responding to other 
> >> members on the list to address personal issues is generally 
> >> discouraged.  This is a gathering.  If you have an issue with a 
> >> person at a gathering, you don't disrespect the peace of the others 
> >> by publicizing your personal grievances.  This communication is best 
> >> left off the list."
> >>
> >> scott
> >>
> > Again I feel that the term "generally discouraged" should be "strongly 
> > discourage".   I would rewrite the above passage as follows:
> >
> > "Responding in a derogatory or insulting manner to other members on 
> > the list is assiduously forbidden.  Our mission is to promote 
> > fellowship within the open source community; and in turn, share our 
> > fellowship with the larger community of all computer users.  If you 
> > have a dislike, or hatred toward a particular individual,  you don't 
> > disrupt the harmony of the community by publicly insulting that 
> > individual and displaying your personal grievances, hatreds, and 
> > prejudice. "
> >
> > The reason I suggest this language as it addresses exactly what 
> > certain members have been doing on this list.
> The issues of our community goals are mentioned elsewhere in the 
> greeting/policy.  By suggesting this change to address a specific 
> member, you are inherently nudging against the policy. We all know what 
> "certain members" are doing, it is a mailing list.  Enough  said. 
>  Ignore those you think have taken a personal shot at you.  Please don't 
> respond to them in kind as I see a following post has.
> scott
> >
> >
> > Also, it might be good to add a passage about the importance of 
> > maintaining a sense of humor as laughter is known to be cathartic.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > LUAU mailing list
> > http://videl.ics.hawaii.edu/mailman/listinfo/luau
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> LUAU mailing list
> http://videl.ics.hawaii.edu/mailman/listinfo/luau

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