
> I have a peer to peer windows network at my dental office.  It seems to
> gradually operate slower and slower unless I shut the system down and
> reboot. 

Have you considered optimizing your "peer to peer" network for starters.

 The proprietary dental software I use mandates a Windows
> environment  (I think) and I hate the problems of computers freezing,
> losing the data base, etc.

I have worked in several different business environments where the 
"proprietary software" was the only limitation to a productive network 
of computers. In some cases all it takes is contacting the vendor and 
asking the right questions! 

Many use Windows OS's by default, only because it is easier to support.
Others are willing to help determined clients to create application 
alternatives in order to increase sales. This is where you discover 
the cost of working with Open Source software, (development) and begin to
appreaciate the freedoms of your choice. 

Most people dont have the time or energy to pursue that end. The question 
then is, "what is it really worth to you," to create an industry standard 
application ($$$$) that will run on exsisting hardware without the
headaches of Windows, but with the overwhelming challenges of a mindset 
adjustment for those who will have to use it? Retraining is fear in the
minds of many task oriented users, unless management mandates change!

Sounds like change is overdue for your senario. 

If the demand for productivity is great enough, and the loss of it is
equated in painful dollars and cents, then you have your answer.

I am aware I took your question from "I have," and proposed a "you create
for all," senario. Just thought you might want to get a return on your 
efforts, and give something to your industry at the same time.

In the interim you may take another look at the roles of all of the users
on your network and consider integrating a Linux workstation, or even a
fileserver for starters. You mentioned "data loss," well maybe that data
can be stored a Linux computer. You may have an answer in your own
question considering Linux! A great deal of additional services your
workstations are challenged to accomplish in "cpu cycles" can be delegated
to the proposed Linux computer/s.

Some examples of how few *Bogomips can preserve your sanity!

Centralized user authentication / security
Centralized data backup...
Web caching with popup window killer... 
Centralized spam, firewalling, and virus filtering...(a must have.)
Total control of email services with web interfacing for remote access.
(Yes you can still use your current email client programs...if you must)

I have stored proprietary data on a Linux server/s, that just stand and
serve, as the WinBoxes fall victim to failure by design...oops, did I say
that? For them (maybe not yours) it saved the loss of data by 90 percent.

Do your best.

Ronald Willis

*Bogomips - sarcastic humor

 I understand using Linux in the background may
> be an answer.  I have bought Red Hat 8.0, installed it at home and will play
> with it today to try and share a wireless network with my neighbor.  I want
> help with the office project if it is feasible and will be beneficial.
> Neal Timon
> 808 5331100
> 808 5212441
> downtown area Honolulu
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