Joe Linux wrote:

R. Scott Belford wrote:

I tried to address this with the following: "Responding to other members on the list to address personal issues is generally discouraged. This is a gathering. If you have an issue with a person at a gathering, you don't disrespect the peace of the others by publicizing your personal grievances. This communication is best left off the list."


Again I feel that the term "generally discouraged" should be "strongly discourage". I would rewrite the above passage as follows:

"Responding in a derogatory or insulting manner to other members on the list is assiduously forbidden. Our mission is to promote fellowship within the open source community; and in turn, share our fellowship with the larger community of all computer users. If you have a dislike, or hatred toward a particular individual, you don't disrupt the harmony of the community by publicly insulting that individual and displaying your personal grievances, hatreds, and prejudice. "

The reason I suggest this language as it addresses exactly what certain members have been doing on this list.

The issues of our community goals are mentioned elsewhere in the greeting/policy. By suggesting this change to address a specific member, you are inherently nudging against the policy. We all know what "certain members" are doing, it is a mailing list. Enough said. Ignore those you think have taken a personal shot at you. Please don't respond to them in kind as I see a following post has.


Also, it might be good to add a passage about the importance of maintaining a sense of humor as laughter is known to be cathartic.

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