Matt Darnell wrote:

Is there going to be a TPOSSCON 2006?

Yes.  Dates are pending the scheduling of PTC and the Sony Open.

If so, I would suggest some sort of lessons learned meeting to get
everyone's input on how to make it even better.

This meeting took place on Saturday. Ron Fox moderated. It was a *fantastic* follow-up to a rather amazing inaugural event that was full of flaws and promise. The discussion summary will be posted to hosef-managers and to the TPOSSCON Advisors.

I think Scott is moving to the mainland, someone will have to step up.

I think that you are most mistaken, though we always need someone to step up. My wife's service to the Army will continue in Missouri beginning this Summer. As a ROTC counselor, she'll be on the road many weeks out of the month, so I'll be staying back. HOSEF is just too close to becoming an institution for it to be left behind.

I heard some positive comments about the HP guy that did the keynote &
thought that people felt that they got their money's worth.

The "HP guy" guy is C.J. Coppersmith, Director of Linux Strategy and Business Development for HP. He was pleased, but would like to see us put more emphasis into a single day of complementary and focused business discussions. He took some very tough questions with extraordinary grace. While informative, it may have proven distracting to those wanting to keep their learning curve more simple.

Brian Chee wrote:
I also had a conversation with Robin and Pat of OSTG and they both agree
that next year they want to give TPOSSCON alot more lead time so that they
can slashdot it in japan and get them involved.

The marketing and promotion begins next week.  More time is good.

The feedback I got from the speakers was quite positive with Robin of OSTG
saying this fits nicely into an overall OSTG plan on LUG based
mini-conventions around the country.

The best thing about Robin is that he constantly and playfully harassed me over what could have been better.

Jim Thompson wrote:

I hope, if nothing else, TPOSSCON serves as a catalyst to foster a bit more community around Free and Open Source software in Hawaii.

Catalyzing, it is. The energy was high, and I saw a lot of social networks grow.

Maybe we could get Stallman or Eben Moglen to Hawaii if we put the "Free" in there somewhere. PFOSSCON, (Pacific Free and Open Source Software CONference), (pronounced "FOSSCON") anyone?

I was taken to task by RMS for not including free in the title. I even acquired tpfosscon.X, just in case. The attitude overwhelmed me, and I don't need someone getting paid like he does telling me how to fund giving free computers and support to schools.

Matt Darnell wrote:

The challenge for the person leading a meeting like this is not to let
it turn into a bitch session, and keep any criticism constructive -
while also keeping focus on what is realistic.  (I am sure we would
all like to receive a free Gucci leather jacket and a Faberge egg when
we check in - or, as mentioned - coffee mugs)

Ron Fox rose to and met the challenge magnificently. There was no need for bitching. We are adults. Besides, I have little tolerance for complaints without solutions. There are two kinds of people in the world, those who find problems and those who find solutions. We are attracted to the latter.

Brian Chee wrote:

What we've used in the past is this:
- It should be a constructive criticism and not just a bitch.
    - each criticism should NEVER be directed at a person, that only gets
    - each criticism should also avoid detailed fixes, but more broad
- The group should also avoid getting lost in the nitty gritty, but
concentrate on broad strokes.

Thanks for the suggestions. Unless others disagree, I think this was pretty much the theme of the discussion.

FYI, folks, we really do meet *every* Saturday at McKinley, and this really is a 2.5 year old, *consistent* gathering of a Group of Linux Users. Are we a LUG? I like to think so, but a little more. We are your LUG in Action.


R. Scott Belford
The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation
PO Box 392
Kailua, HI 96734
808.689.6518 phone/fax

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