Matt Darnell wrote:
I guess we've all talked about everything there is to talk about at the

Is there going to be a TPOSSCON 2006?

If so, I would suggest some sort of lessons learned meeting to get
everyone's input on how to make it even better.

More people.

I think Scott is moving to the mainland, someone will have to step up.

Man, if this is true, then its news to me. I spoke with Scott a couple times at TPOSSCON, and he made statements twice that planning for TPOSSCON 06 would start in February.

I heard some positive comments about the HP guy that did the keynote &
thought that people felt that they got their money's worth.

Personally, I thought Bruce Perens could have done more than read from his paper. He seems to enjoy taking credit for all that has happened in "open source" since 1999, even though he quit OSI in disgust over the plethora of "licenses".

"Maddog" Hall was entertaining, and the very voice of reason throughout the conference.

The Sun guy was refreshing. He seemed to really "grok" what needed to happen, and his answers/presentation were not the syrupy marketing message that I anticipated.

The GNUmed presentation was... "graphic".  I'll leave it at that.

I was disappointed when Todd Ogasawara responded to my query with a complete rejection of the idea that Hawaii could ever have a high-tech community of any size. I hope he's wrong, for everyone's sake.

I enjoyed meeting the "other" Jim Thompson during Matt Darnell's presentation.

John Terpstra was interesting, and provided the ultimate counterpoint in many situations.

I learned some stuff. I got to meet some people, both "heroes of the revolution", as well as kamaaina. Some of you I knew from the list, but in many cases, you were new. In others, I (finally) got to put a face with a name.

I hope, if nothing else, TPOSSCON serves as a catalyst to foster a bit more community around Free and Open Source software in Hawaii.

Maybe we could get Stallman or Eben Moglen to Hawaii if we put the "Free" in there somewhere. PFOSSCON, (Pacific Free and Open Source Software CONference), (pronounced "FOSSCON") anyone?


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