On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 17:36, Jim Thompson wrote:

> OK, first, what about this "overall OSTG plan"?  It seems weird for an 
> organization which is mostly about jornalism to have a "strategy", no?
You must be from the "reality-based" community!

> Second, does Oahu/Hawaii/Honolulu have a LUG?
> Consider, is anything on this page still accurate?
> http://www.sslug.dk/misc/ely.dkuug.dk/6-1-1-luau.html

LUAU has not met for some years (was it '99?) and has only existed as a
mailing list in the hands of various kind people. So this page is
historically correct, but not of any current use.  The Current LUG is
HOSEF, although as a non-profit focussed on education,  HOSEF does a lot
more than many LUGs, and not quite as much of the normal user-orientated
LUG things. 
James A. Stroble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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