On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 07:46:51PM -1000, James A. Stroble wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 17:36, Jim Thompson wrote:
> > Consider, is anything on this page still accurate?
> > http://www.sslug.dk/misc/ely.dkuug.dk/6-1-1-luau.html

LUAU used to exist over at luau.hi.net, but now it is
luau@lists.hosef.org, on a server provided by HOSEF donations
over in Brian Chee's lab at UH.

I believe the original acronym of LUAU cleverly stood for
"Linux Users AnonymoUs". It was later re-Christened "Linux/Unix
Advocates/Users" by Warren. Since taking over moderation of the
mailing list, I just call it LUAU, simply because the headers are
less noisy.

The principal names I have been able to dig up for the various
incarnations for LUAU have been Ed Orcutt, Zach Taylor, and
Warren Togami. With the inclusion of HOSEF, we have Scott

I e-mailed Ed privately for some information, but got no
response. I am unable to find Zach. Warren is too busy these days
finishing up his schoolwork at UH Manoa while working at Red Hat.

> LUAU has not met for some years (was it '99?) and has only
> existed as a mailing list in the hands of various kind people.
> So this page is historically correct, but not of any current
> use. The Current LUG is HOSEF, although as a non-profit
> focussed on education, HOSEF does a lot more than many LUGs,
> and not quite as much of the normal user-orientated LUG things.

For now, it is probably most accurate to refer to LUAU as a
mailing list and HOSEF as the LUG [with a philanthropic purpose].
The list consists of roughly 275 active e-mail addresses. The
number has not really changed since I became involved two years

The LUG aspect where people meet once a month to view a guest
speaker does not exist. Warren presented a few topics at UH a few
years ago, but stopped due to time commitments and the inabilty
to find guest speakers.

If someone has the time and dedication to pick up the
responsiblity of finding speakers, we should be able to find a
time and place to meet. At the very least, this could be rolled
into the weekly workshops at McKinley.


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