scrooyahoo or whoever are you;
You are exaggerating with subject about jews and World War II.

*buntu OS distros are GNU/Linux flavours created with Canonical
policies, a company (not community) with *some* policies focused on FOSS
and community relationship.

This is not a community-driven OS distribution, but there is enough
flexibility to be a decent GNU/Linux distro.
People who focuses all efforts to personal+community freedom and privacy
choose other distributions, and in that other collectives you will find
more people nearer to your minding.

El 26/07/16 a les 09:52, ha escrit:
> :-) what is the address, i'll send a handwritten message (i do not
> *need* to use the internet?)
> I do understand, that it's not really in canonicals hands, but it really
> pisses me off that every tiny attempt i do to get a little bit of
> privacy is undermined by whole automated systems that keep kicking me
> around until they still have my details...
> It's just BRUTAL, and Canonical / *buntu / freenode should not look away
> from this shit.
> Before WWII the people in germany looked away / did nothing / followed
> orders, and we all know how that played out right?
> So i'm not going to igore this and sat *Sorry*  not my depertment.
> I'm HUMAN and privacy IS my department, Without privacy I cannot be
> Afterall Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘humanity to others’.
> So if this is not the case then Canonical should not use the word.
> And it sucks that I feel the need to defend myself here. (of all places)
> Has it really come THIS FAR?
> It's just SAD First the yahoo/gmail spam issue and now this.
> What's next? will the US govrnment force me to wear a badge that says
> PRIVACY EXTREMIST? O wait reCAPTCHA IS that badge!
> Yahoo tags me, Google tags me, CAPCHA tags me, Paypal, Ebay, Amazon and
> they ALL SHARE the tags trough DMARC.ORG.
> Lets see how long it takes until Ubuntu One will join the DMARC cartel.
> PLEASE.  this is going WAY to far.
> I'm not willing to fight this fight, and especially not here. But i cant
> keep my mouth shut. Everywhere i go.
> Spam discrimination
> ETC.
> I now start to understand how Jews must have felt 75 years ago.
> I'm pissed.
> Nothing personal against you Simon, just large scale corporate sadness.
> On 2016-07-26 09:04, Simon Quigley wrote:
>> That's where Lubuntu hosts it's IRC channels and we don't plan on
>> changing that any time soon. Sorry.
>> If you want to avoid it, just send emails to the mailing list with
>> your results. You don't *need* to use IRC. :)
>> -- 
>> Simon Quigley
>> tsimonq2 on Freenode

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