On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 7:01 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 2012-06-14, Troy Howard wrote:
>> The only reservation I have about graduation is losing or lessening
>> Stefan Bodewig's involvement. He's been really helpful. Can we keep
>> all of our mentors even if we graduate? :)
> Thanks.
> There is no rule that forces ex-mentors to unsubscribe from the
> ex-podling's mailing lists. 8-)
> I won't have any binding votes by not being on the PMC, but you can be
> sure I'll stick around for a while.
> Stefan


Of late, there has been a tendency for podlings without ASF members to
adopt one of the mentors onto the PMC to provide more continuity. I've
ended up on several that way. I'm at capacity for this job, so I'd
propose that you do it for this project.

The next step after that is to nominate the PMC chair for membership,
and then one can make a graceful exit to Emeritus status :-)


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