Hi Ivan,

>   I tryed Luke to try to search in my Lucene database and discovered
>   that when I try to select russian analyzer it shows me next error:
>   ------
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
>         at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(Unknown Source)
>         at java.lang.Class.getConstructor(Unknown Source)
>         at luke.Luke.createQueryParser(Luke.java:809)

Remember that Luke can be launched in 2 ways :

>A standalone JAR, containing Luke and Lucene 1.3-final: lukeall.jar

>As two separate JARs, one containing Luke and the other pristine Lucene
1.3-final JAR (just signed, so that it can be used with Java WS)
>Remember to put both JARs on your classpath, e.g.: java -classpath
luke.jar;lucene.jar luke.Luke

It looks like you are using the second one and that your "lucene.jar" does
not contain the org.apache.lucene.analysis.ru.RussianAnalyzer class.



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