Furl - http://www.furl.net

I've been meaning to write to the list about Furl for a while as it is a pretty cool use of Lucene (Otis finally connected the dots and tracked me down last week). Furl (http://www.furl.net) is basically an Internet filing cabinet for useful web pages. Or to put it in Lucene-geek terms, it is a browser-based app that gives you your own Lucene index of all the interesting web pages/articles you find online.

I read all of my news online and there just isn't a good way to keep track of it and then recall it at a later date (i.e. "What the heck was that article I read about...?"). Bookmarks are really not built for that task. And blogs aren't either (because you can only search on your comments, which I never remember). Thus, Furl was born last spring with some traits of bookmarks (i.e. single click in your browser), some traits of blogs (i.e. bookmarklets, links, comments, RSS feeds), some traits of Google (i.e. full-text index of web content) and a bunch of its own mojo.

I just launched it publicly last week and folks are signing up fast and really enjoying it. I think it's damn useful (i.e. one of the few things I use every day) so check it out. And if you want to play around with search without signing up, you can use the demo account or search my public entries (http://www.furl.net/members/mgiles) for things like "lucene", "genetics", "whales", whatever.

It certainly wouldn't have been possible without Lucene. Enjoy!


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