Hmm. So far all our fields are just strings. But I would guess you should be able to use Integer.MAX_VALUE or something on the upper bound. Or there might be a better way of doing it.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Akmal Sarhan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lucene Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: Opinions: Using Lucene as a thin database

that sounds very interesting but how do you handle queries like
select * from MY_TABLE where MY_NUMERIC_FIELD > 80

as far as I know you have only the range query so you will have to say

my_numeric_filed:[80 TO ??]
but this would not work in the a/m example or am I missing something?


Am Di, den 14.12.2004 schrieb Praveen Peddi um 16:07:
Even we use lucene for similar purpose except that we index and store quite
a few fields. Infact I also update partial documents as people suggested. I
store all the indexed fields so I don't have to build the whole document
again while updating partial document. The reason we do this is due to the
speed. I found the lucene search on a millions objects is 4 to 5 times
faster than our oracle queries (ofcourse this might be due to our pitiful
database design :) ). It works great so far. the only caveat that we had
till now was incremental updates. But now I am implementing real-time
updates so that the data in lucene index is almost always in sync with data
in database. So now, our search does not goto the database at all.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin L. Cobb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 9:40 AM
Subject: Opinions: Using Lucene as a thin database

I use Lucene as a legitimate search engine which is cool. But, I am also using it as a simple database too. I build an index with a couple of keyword fields that allows me to retrieve values based on exact matches in those fields. This is all I need to do so it works just fine for my needs. I also love the speed. The index is small enough that it is wicked fast. Was wondering if anyone out there was doing the same of it there are any dissenting opinions on using Lucene for this purpose.

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