My current task/problem is the following: I need to implement TFIDF
document term ranking using Jakarta Lucene to compute a similarity rank
between arbitrary documents in the constructed index.
I saw from the API that there are similar functions already implemented
in the class Similarity and DefaultSimilarity but I don't know exactly
how to use them. At the time my index has about 25000 (small) documents
and there are about 75000 terms stored in total.
Now, my question is simple. Does anybody has done this before or could
point me to another location for help?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Christoph Kiefer

Department of Informatics, University of Zurich

Office: Uni Irchel 27-K-32
Phone:  +41 (0) 44 / 635 67 26
Web:    http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/ddis/christophkiefer.0.html

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