
     I was rambling to some friends about an idea to build a
cache-aware JDBC driver wrapper, to make it easier to keep a lucene
index of a database up to date.

     They asked me a question that I have to take seriously, which is
that most RDBMSes provide some built-in fulltext searching - postgres,
mysql, even oracle - why not use that instead of adding another layer
of caching?

     I have to take this question seriously, especially since it
reminds me a lot of what Doug has often said to folks contemplating
doing similar things (caching query results, etc) with Lucene.

     Has anybody done some serious investigation into this, and could
summarize the pros and cons?

Steven J. Owens

"I'm going to make broad, sweeping generalizations and strong,
 declarative statements, because otherwise I'll be here all night and
 this document will be four times longer and much less fun to read.
 Take it all with a grain of salt." - http://darksleep.com/notablog

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