Otis Gospodnetic wrote:

The most obvious answer is that the full-text indexing features of
RDBMS's are not as good (as fast) as Lucene. MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Oracle, MS SQL Server etc. all have full-text indexing/searching
features, but I always hear people complaining about the speed. A
person from a well-known online bookseller told me recently that Lucene
was about 10x faster that MySQL for full-text searching, and I am
currently helping someone get away from MySQL and into Lucene for
performance reasons.

Also... MySQL full text search isn't perfect. If you're not a java programmer it would be difficult to hack on. Another downside is that FT in MySQL only works with MyISAM tables which aren't transaction aware and use global tables locks (not fun).

I'm sure though that MySQL would do a better job at online index maintenance than Lucene. It falls down a bit in this area...



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