markharw00d wrote:

>>But this brings up - has anyone run Lucene off a database trigger or are triggers known to be slow and bad for this use?

I suspect the tricky bit would be knowing when to balancing the calls to Reader/Writer closes, opens and optimizes.
Record updates are the usual fun and games involving a reader.delete and a document.write.

I agree this is the usual tricky/"fun" thing.
In similar situations I have:
- batched the updates in, well, sort of a "queue"
- flushed the "queue" after "t" seconds or "n" documents (e.g. t=60sec, n=1000 docs)

Part of the trick is a document that changes multiple times during one of these periods - if you have a "add queue" and a "delete queue" then you'll probably have the wrong index with the doc either zero times or more than one time - not impossible to cover, just something to keep in mind

- Dave

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