> From: Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 12:20:42 -0400
> To: Joe Mayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, arielabramovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: MO's attacks
>>> Sir:
>> Theres really nothing that I can add to the already cogent statements
>> made by Matanya about this matter, other than to tell you that what you are
>> doing is stealing.
> Joe, we're mostly grown-ups here, and we have already figured out that the
> matter of this discussion wasn't that, since all essential material is in
> public domain.
> The problem is that MO professes a set of ethics that is entirely
> inconsistent with his own conduct, i. e. he is a common hypocrite. I have
> defended the man in private FOR YEARS, until I met him in cyberspace and
> realized what he really is, a soulless type, for whom poetry equals
> scabrous, and his petty self-interest is the overriding factor in any issue
> considered, culture included. He is what we call in Yiddish "mestechkovyj".
    It matters not a jot if Matanya were the devil incarnate. We're not
dealing in personalities, here, but with a moral dilemma. What this
gentleman is doing - in the name of musicians everywhere - is all he can to
make music MORE expensive. Speaking for those of us who actually purchase
the stuff, I do not appreciate the notion that some one are above doing that
very thing. 
>> The maker of your lute might not understand your point of view if you
>> told him (her) that the asking price of the instrument was too high - so
>> youve decided to steal it.
>> About laws being unjust and your breaking them for the good of all, etc.
>> - you seem to think of your self as Henry David Thorough or Robin Hood - you
>> are not.
> Ariel is something entirely different. FYI, he is the best Vihuela Player we
> have had since the Era of Milan, Narvaez, Daça, etc. And it is our duty to
> help him stay that way.

Here again, it doesn't enter into the discussion if Ariel has sprung fully
armed from the head of Zeus complete with vihuela - quite beside the point.

Joseph Mayes

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