At 12:32 AM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>where did I " publicly declare that " I
>intend to
>rip him off " Those are you words.

They are indeed. Considering your proposal, a rip-off operation is actually 
a mild and forgiving expletive.

>At no time did I say I would post the
>facsimiles regardless of Albert's wishes, and quite frankly I won't, based
>not so much on legality, but to respect his wishes.

You still do not seem to understand that Albert's wishes in this point are 
entirely besides the point. Many of us, scholars, publishers, performers, 
teachers, who have had occasion in the past to request permission from 
libraries, always had to accept a condition imposed by the library that the 
material will be used specifically for the purpose for which it was 
obtained, and under no circumstances one could make copies for other 
people, without the library's permission and agreement. This is not a legal 
condition, but a practical one. Those who defy the library's wishes, shoot 
themselves in the foot as they will surely black listed for any future 
material. Besides, each time this happens, the fee for bona fide 
researchers goes up. years ago I used to get copies from the British 
Library for a couple of shillings a page. Now the fee is 25 GBP per page.

Albert cannot possibly give you permission to do what you want to do, since 
this would be a violation of his agreement with the library. Neither can 
Frank Koonce give you permission to copy _his_ facsimile of the same 
manuscript. The only person who can give you such permission is the 
librarian. What's so difficult about writing a letter and asking for it?

>  In the end I don't want
>to piss off anymore human beings,than I have to, except you!   I asked some
>alarming questions again out of my naivety which you seem to enjoy pointing

Your questions were not alarming. They were plain stupid because they 
implied scavenging the work of someone else. Let me give you a taste of 
what this sounds like:

Would you mind if I bought from you a set of plans for the Venere lute and 
posted it on my web site for free download by indigenous poor lute makers 
world wide?

>     Also, concerning young guitars students,  I have noticed that hardly any
>of them play baroque or ren music these, it's mostly modern.

Thank you for stating the obvious. I have been in this business for 48 
years by now and I am acutely aware of this. But this is not the forum to 
discuss this issue. I suggest you log on to and 
check out their archives (on Google Groups) for the last ten years, and see 
how many times I, and many others, have discussed this issue.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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