At 10:53 AM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I  Agree, Monkey, they cost me $20.00 to Xerox, buy a tube and ship
>worldwide, not mention the cost of travel, expertise involved, in drawing
>them up.  But the shocking part Mr. Monkey.... is there's NO COPYRIGHT
>....written anywhere on those plans.
>  You buy one set, and that's all you pay, I don;to charge people 10% every
>they make a lute.
>        So that means you are free to make copies and give them to your
>friends. So you see I am being true to my ideals, And if you would like a
>set I will send them to you free of charge.

That's very noble of you. Let me suggest that if indeed you are true to 
your ideals, you post them for free on _your_ web site. You don't know how 
to fit them on standard printer paper? I'll be happy to help you there.

>        And for the record, there kind of like baseball cards I trade them
>for other lute plans, I've never sold a set to anyone, as a matter of fact
>I've given both the Boston Museum of Fine arts and Yale copies to sell as a
>donation to their foundations.  I've also given them to  4 or 5 other
>lutemakers, so as not to hold a monopoly on them, like you.
>    I call on you to do the same! you hypocrite!

Sorry, I have no idea what baseball cards are. Outside my frame of 
reference. In 38 years in this US of A, I still do not understand what's 
happening on a baseball field and what's involved around that game. And 
what monopoly do I hold that you are referring to?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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