At 01:43 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>That's very noble of you. Let me suggest that if indeed you are true to
>your ideals, you post them for free on _your_ web site. You don't know how
>to fit them on standard printer paper? I'll be happy to help you there
>       That is a most generous offer!  I will take you up on that.  Just the
>other day I was wondering if that was possible.  You have my word, I will do
>it, and offer them for free.
>    However, no offence but I think you and I won't make a good match as far
>as a teacher/student relationship, maybe someone else can help me with that.

I am sure there are many who can do this. The idea is very simple: you 
divide the plan drawing to segments that can fit a standard printer page 
size, bearing in mind the difference between the US and the European 
standards sizes. Pick the smaller of the two. The segments have to be a bit 
smaller than the selected paper size, since no printers can print a bleed, 
i.e., to the edge of the paper and beyond. Then you save the scans as PDF 
files, and some kind of an index which will tell the downloader in what 
sequence they make up the plan. All they have to do when they downloaded 
the bunch, is trim out the margins and paste the individual pages together. 
Rube Goldbergish, no doubt, but simple.

>        I keeping in the same spirit, may I call on you to have a free
>download of a facsimile of the Bach/Weyrauch tablatures, and don't give me
>that crap that you don't own the rights, If you can sell them you certainly
>can give them away.

I sell nothing of the kind. You must be confusing me with somebody else. I 
already told you that there are no Lute Suites in my catalogue, and I have 
never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have are 
those included in the Koonce edition. I suggest you apply to the Neil Kjos 
Publishing Company in San Diego, those who published Frank Koonce  edition. 
Just one little friendly advise: this is a very large company, much larger 
than my own little one man operation. Don't take them for granted.

>  Sorry, I have no idea what baseball cards are. Outside my frame of
>reference. In 38 years in this US of A, I still do not understand what's
>happening on a baseball field and what's involved around that game. And
>what monopoly do I hold that you are referring to
>    I would simply define monopoly, as one person having all the cookies.

And what cookies might these be?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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