Dear Tony,

It is the "falce and unperfect" aspect of modern editions, which
make me want to look at facsimiles. I want to get as close as
possible to the original text to learn as much as I can about the
music. It's an academic thing, I suppose.

During the recent thread some people have complained that some
facsimiles are no more than photocopies. Certainly the quality
varies from one publisher to the next. It seems ironic that Minkoff
editions, which are often the most expensive, often have no
editorial material, or at most a perfunctory list of contents.
Perhaps they make up for that deficit by reproducing so much music.
I have a facsimile edition of some baroque music published by
Schott, much of which I can hardly read at all. Boethius facsimiles,
on the other hand, are very legible, and have extremely useful
editorial material - concordances, information on dating,
watermarks, etc. Editions Ophee have useful information supplied by
the editors too, and the quality of the paper is excellent.

The Welde facsimile is not yet ready to be published, but we are
well on the way. My wish is that people should be able to read every
note in the facsimile, including the notes which are now invisible,
and so we propose including in the introduction detailed information
about illegible passages. I don't know if this has ever been done
before, at least to the extent we propose doing.

For those who are unaware of the significance of your question about
Diego Cantalupi's pdf of Kapsberger III, I should explain that his
recent CD of music from Kapsberger's _Terzo Libro_ contains a
facsimile of the music, which you can read on your computer screen.
I imagine one's attitude to copyright would be no different for this
unusual CD than for any other.

Best wishes,

Stewart McCoy.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Chalkley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lutelist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: falce and unperfect

> Just as an aside, where does Diego Cantalupi's pdf of Kapsberger
III fit in?
> Unlike Stewart, I wouldn't want a lot of facsimiles, as the ones I
have or
> have had I find difficult to read (I think this comes out in the
> reproduction difficulties both with Welde and with Tree editions),
not to
> mention a bit falce and unperfect.  I therefore need to transcribe
> hopefully without error...
> Tony

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