At 07:53 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>At 05:12 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have are
> >those included in the Koonce edition.
> >
> >     OK then those will do just fine.
>You don't need me for that. You can buy this book from all the usual
>sources. In case of difficulty, you can buy it directly from the publisher
>    I thought we were exchanging free downloads, yours for mine.  YOU

Better watch it fellow, your scatological delusions are getting ahead of 
you.  You cannot possibly expect me to commit what I consider a crime, by 
photocopying a page from a book published by a friend of mine, who happens 
to be a member of this here list, and send it to you in exchange for a 
download that does not exist yet on your web site and for which I have 
absolutely no need whatsoever. I am not a lute maker, and I am not even a 
guitar maker. I am a guitar collector. I buy my guitars from people like 
you. Just got a new one a couple of weeks ago from a young man in Quebec 
for whom I predict a great future. Name is Jean Rompré. Care to hear what 
it sounds like? go to my web site and look in GALI for Articles with Music.

So I guess if you want a copy of the the Bach-Weybrauch manuscript, and you 
care to tangle with a large American corporation, you'll just have to pay 
up front $24.95. You can afford it.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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