never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have are
those included in the Koonce edition.

    OK then those will do just fine.
Michael Thames
Site design by Natalina Calia-Thames
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matanya Ophee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: Facsimeles etc.

> At 01:43 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >That's very noble of you. Let me suggest that if indeed you are true to
> >your ideals, you post them for free on _your_ web site. You don't know
> >to fit them on standard printer paper? I'll be happy to help you there
> >
> >       That is a most generous offer!  I will take you up on that.  Just
> >other day I was wondering if that was possible.  You have my word, I will
> >it, and offer them for free.
> >    However, no offence but I think you and I won't make a good match as
> >as a teacher/student relationship, maybe someone else can help me with
> I am sure there are many who can do this. The idea is very simple: you
> divide the plan drawing to segments that can fit a standard printer page
> size, bearing in mind the difference between the US and the European
> standards sizes. Pick the smaller of the two. The segments have to be a
> smaller than the selected paper size, since no printers can print a bleed,
> i.e., to the edge of the paper and beyond. Then you save the scans as PDF
> files, and some kind of an index which will tell the downloader in what
> sequence they make up the plan. All they have to do when they downloaded
> the bunch, is trim out the margins and paste the individual pages
> Rube Goldbergish, no doubt, but simple.
> >        I keeping in the same spirit, may I call on you to have a free
> >download of a facsimile of the Bach/Weyrauch tablatures, and don't give
> >that crap that you don't own the rights, If you can sell them you
> >can give them away.
> I sell nothing of the kind. You must be confusing me with somebody else. I
> already told you that there are no Lute Suites in my catalogue, and I have
> never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have
> those included in the Koonce edition. I suggest you apply to the Neil Kjos
> Publishing Company in San Diego, those who published Frank Koonce
> Just one little friendly advise: this is a very large company, much larger
> than my own little one man operation. Don't take them for granted.
> >  Sorry, I have no idea what baseball cards are. Outside my frame of
> >reference. In 38 years in this US of A, I still do not understand what's
> >happening on a baseball field and what's involved around that game. And
> >what monopoly do I hold that you are referring to
> >
> >    I would simply define monopoly, as one person having all the cookies.
> And what cookies might these be?
> Matanya Ophee
> Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
> 1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
> Columbus, OH 43235-1226
> Phone: 614-846-9517
> Fax:     614-846-9794

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