Better watch it fellow, your scatological delusions are getting ahead of
you.  You cannot possibly expect me to commit what I consider a crime, by
photocopying a page from a book published by a friend of mine

>never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have are
>those included in the Koonce edition.

 So which is it Ape, first you say you have them, now someone else has them.
I don't want to exchange my plans for your music, have you been drinking
    You called me a hypocrite for not downloading my plans for free, which I
said I'd do.  I challenged you do do the same with the Bach, and your
weaseling your way out of it.  HYPOCRITE!

     I buy my guitars from people like
you. Just got a new one a couple of weeks ago from a young man in Quebec
for whom I predict a great future. Name is Jean Rompré. Care to hear what
it sounds like?

      Now you've done it!  I'm crushed, and speechless, you went out a
bought someone else's  guitar, I thought we had a deal Dam it!  And now your
rubbing my face in it, more than I can bear.
       With you as his guiding light I'm sure he'll go far, No offence to
your innocent victim, but I've heard enough guitar for today, thanks.

      How about it Ape, Free YOUR/HIS  Bach, to the world!

Michael Thames
Site design by Natalina Calia-Thames
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matanya Ophee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: Facsimeles etc.

> At 07:53 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >At 05:12 PM 12/3/2003 -0600, Michael Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> > >never owned a set of facsimiles of the Bach-Weyrauch myself. All I have
> > >those included in the Koonce edition.
> > >
> > >     OK then those will do just fine.
> >
> >
> >You don't need me for that. You can buy this book from all the usual
> >sources. In case of difficulty, you can buy it directly from the
> >
> >    I thought we were exchanging free downloads, yours for mine.  YOU
> Better watch it fellow, your scatological delusions are getting ahead of
> you.  You cannot possibly expect me to commit what I consider a crime, by
> photocopying a page from a book published by a friend of mine, who happens
> to be a member of this here list, and send it to you in exchange for a
> download that does not exist yet on your web site and for which I have
> absolutely no need whatsoever. I am not a lute maker, and I am not even a
> guitar maker. I am a guitar collector. I buy my guitars from people like
> you. Just got a new one a couple of weeks ago from a young man in Quebec
> for whom I predict a great future. Name is Jean Rompré. Care to hear what
> it sounds like? go to my web site and look in GALI for Articles with
> So I guess if you want a copy of the the Bach-Weybrauch manuscript, and
> care to tangle with a large American corporation, you'll just have to pay
> up front $24.95. You can afford it.
> Matanya Ophee
> Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
> 1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
> Columbus, OH 43235-1226
> Phone: 614-846-9517
> Fax:     614-846-9794

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