> As a complete newbie, I've been a bit puzzled by some of the invective, but
> then I make a habit of occasionally contributing to the BBC 'Great Debate',
> just for the fun of it, and what goes on here, what little I've read of it,
> appears harmless in comparison. By and large, the lute list seems a superb
> institution, most contributors charming people, and I enjoy looking through
> the 
> e-mails every day.
> My own speciality in the days when I was an academic was 12-tone, serial
> music, and what goes on in those circles puts any spats here in the shade. The
> battles that were, and still are fought, over Boulez and co. (my side of the
> fence) versus Shostakovitch, Vaughan Williams (in the UK), and the rest of the
> musical world that wants to stick its head on the musical sand and pretend the
> 20th century hasn't happened, were awesome to behold. A few lutenists
> scrapping 
> over (as far as I can make out) facsimiles) is nothing to what has been going
> on since my far-off student days in Oxford.
> And I still stick to my guns all these years later. I won't have
> Shostakovitch in the house, nor any of the other 10th rate pretenders, while
> Boulez, 
> Messiaen, Henze, Stockhausen and the rest of them rule the roost, at least
> till it 
> gets too much for my wife and I have to turn the CD player down.
Well, well, well...... This means that the life on the lute list will
finally attain the liveliness it deserves, it will be a true microcosm.
Boulez bashing is one of my favorite things to do. We also have a Morton
Feldman acolyte on the list, but he hasn't been heard from in months.
RT (who is diligently working to fill 13-lute with Shostakovich's spirit)

Roman M. Turovsky

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