> That's my point, the Lute community is too small as it is, why should we, by
> our behavior, keep it small or make it smaller?  It seems to me that if
> there were more people interested in playing the Lute that there would be
> more business (bad word to some and I apologize) for Luthiers, publishers,
> and string makers a like.
> Look,--- if some things like this do not get commercialized to some degree
> no one would be able to get strings because no one would make them for free,
> and music would only be available to those near enough to a library that had
> manuscripts available for us to look at and copy out of.
That is not untrue, but Lute is not yet like Piano that takes care of itself
economically. It is a quasi-religious thing and it relies on proselytism to
perpetuate itself. The equipment producers must be paid to keep them in
existence, but at least some "socialist" distribution is essential to foment
interest and awareness.
Roman M. Turovsky


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