To any still interested and Dr.Oakroot:

Christian is not a race or family of people, Jewish is, though it is
possible to convert to Judaism doing so does not make you genetically a
person of Jewish back ground,   that is what the holocaust was all about if
you forget your history.  MT made the statement, and tossed  it out on the
tired old string of personal assaults as a defense for  making the Nazi
comment.  I simply asked how this was possible.

Vance Wood.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doctor Oakroot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Vance Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: State of Lutenet (was Size of the lute world)

> My brother is Christian, but I'm not... what's so strange about that? :)
> Vance Wood wrote:
> > How can your sister be Jewish and you are not?  Or are you referring to
> > choosing the Jewish faith of her husband?
> >
> > Vance Wood.
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Michael Thames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "lute list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Vance Wood"
> > "arielabramovich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:27 PM
> > Subject: Re: State of Lutenet (was Size of the lute world)
> >
> >
> >> My sister and brother in law are both Jewish.  My remark was not
> >> directed
> >> towards any specific race, and I think in the context that it was
> > delivered
> >> this is obvious.  But those who choose to make an issue about this,
> >> every freedom.
> >>       However I've noticed that some of these individuals are the very
> > one's
> >> crying for a stop to this insanity, but when shown there own nose in a
> >> mirror can't see it.
> >>   In this case it was directed at an individual who sought to impose
> > way
> >> of thinking upon me, not an equal exchange of ideas and philosophy,
> >> through strong handed tactics, insulting my ignorance, standing in the
> >> guitar and lute world,  criminalizing me, and so on. I responded with
> >> absurdities.
> >>      If he were a universal monarch, I have no doubt, he would have
> >> chosen
> >> to wipe me off the face of the earth for my belief's, because they were
> >> different then his.
> >>    In the future, I will do my best to deliver any and all, ill intent,
> >> insults, bad wishes, and hypocrisy,  In the mannerly way in which one
> >> can
> >> attain the most devastating effect.  A skill I have now acquired by
> >> observing the best of the best on this list.
> >> Michael Thames
> >> Luthier
> >>
> >> Site design by Natalina Calia-Thames
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "arielabramovich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: "lute list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Vance Wood"
> >> Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 4:20 PM
> >> Subject: Re: State of Lutenet (was Size of the lute world)
> >>
> >>
> >> > Dear Vance,
> >> >                     regardless of whether I find the whole thing
> >> (argument)
> >> > to be fine or not, I'd love to mention that part of my family was
> >> > exterminated by the Nazis in the WWII, and I clearly see that in the
> >> context
> >> > the word (nazi) had little to do with it's original meaning.
> >> > I belong to the (according to your thinking structure, which in this
> > case-
> >> > and for my taste- tends to be a bit simplistic) Liberal/Socialist'
> > sector,
> >> > and I believe that a conservative is actually a conservative, and not
> >> > necessary a Nazi (can sometimes be both, plus many other things).
> >> > Generalizations aren't always a very good idea.
> >> > I don't think anyone should be consider a victim in this case, and I
> > don't
> >> > really believe that the simple use of the word nazi determines the
> >> limit
> >> > between the acceptable or not.
> >> > ATB,
> >> > A
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Rough-edged songs from a dark place in the soul:

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