> Dear Roman:
> I disagree, and,---- I agree.  In some circles this term has come to mean as
> you have described, in other circles, especially where there is a Jewish
> back ground haunted by memories of the holocaust, you and Michael are
> totally off base.  I can think of no four letter word, invective or insult
> that would prick the heart of an individual whose family was decimated by
> the horrors of WWII and the holocaust than to be referred to as a Nazi.
OK, MO is not a nazi, he just looks/sounds like one. Please note that there
are others who lost relatives in the same circumstances (Ariel et al.,  as
well as yours truly), but we never permit ourselves the bad taste of
invoking that for the purpose of rendering ourselves immune to criticism
like MO.
MO's loss certainly didn't make him a better person, he was and remains a
rhinocerotide with a cigar (please DO NOTE that I upgraded him on the
biological ladder).

Roman M. Turovsky

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