It looks to me like she's hanging onto the guitar with her left hand. And I=
think anyone dressed in that outfit would have had to keep track of the=20
guitar with both hands. The skirt looks like satin or silk and then there's=
the fur - both really slippery.  You can see that she has the back edge of=
the body down on her leg as another attempt to keep track of the guitar.
Nancy Carlin

>It looks pretty realistic to me.
> > The pistagne looks as if it was a whool twisted strand: I can't imagine
> > the
> > way you would realise this in wood.
>My guitarron (Mexican bass guitar) has a very similar border made from
>alternating pieces of different colored wood.
> >
> > Certainly the rosette looks rather odd - but this may be  something to=
> > with the state of the painting.
>Can't tell from the online image. Looks like the rosette might be a
>picture rather than an abstract design, but that's certainly believable.
> > What I have always thought is rather strange is the way she is holding=
> > instrument- especially the position of the left hand.  It is almost as=
> > she was using the thumb to stop the lower courses.
>I've seen an awful lot of modern untrained guitar players hold their left
>hands just like that - it's a natural comfortable position. Also common
>with thinner necked instruments like a violin - or a 4-course guitar.
> >The right hand looks
> > as
> > if she is playing "thumb inside" which is not a very convenient position
> > for
> > strumming chords.
> >
>Looks like thumb-in to me. With her little finger anchored to the sound
>board, I doubt she's strumming. I've heard a lot about renaissance guitar
>players strumming, but all the written music I've seen was obviously
>intended to be plucked like a lute.
>Rough-edged songs from a dark place in the soul:

Nancy Carlin Associates
P.O. Box 6499
Concord, CA 94524  USA
phone 925/686-5800 fax 925/680-2582
web site -

FROM WALES - Robin Huw Bowen, Crasdant, Telyneg with Robin Huw Bowen, Eiry=
Palfrey & Heather Jones, Sian James, Neil & Meg Browning & Carreg Lafar,=20
FROM ENGLAND - The City Waites, Jez Lowe, & Jez Lowe & The Bad=20
Pennies  FROM FRANCE - Gabriel Yacoub, FROM DENMARK - Ph=F8nix

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