In a message dated 1/7/04 10:09:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,=20

> Certainly the rosette looks rather odd - but this may be=A0 something to d=
> with the state of the painting.=A0 I seem to recall that many of his paint=
> survive in a poor state or have been badly restored because they were all
> sold off on his death.=A0 I must go and have another look at the original.

This painting, The Guitar Player, in the Iveagh Bequest in Kenwood House, in=
Hampstead Heath, is the finest preserved Vermeer in existence.=A0 For one th=
it is not even lined (that is, it does not have a typical later-added canvas=
adhered to the back of the original one) and the detail and paint textures a=
perfectly preserved on this painting.=A0 The original wooden strainer to whi=
the painting is attached is, in fact, even the one the artist used.=A0 For t=
reasons, the painting is very fragile and therefore not even lent out to=20

I have seen The Music Lesson (Buckingham Palace) up close and, although=20
lined, it is also in superb condition.=A0=20

The guitar in the painting, by the way, was probably after one from the=20
Voboam firm in Paris.=A0=20

Interestingly, the woman has her right hand in a position as if plucking a=20
cittern with a plectrum, so it is possible that Vermeer simply borrowed the=20=
position from that or else posed the model in that way.=A0 Certainly, he had=
done such depictions earlier (such as in The Letter, in the Rijksmuseum,=20

Two of the most damaged Vermeers are:

The Lute Player, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Girl Interrupted at her Music Lesson, The Frick Collection, New York.
(both are badly abraded from overcleaning)

Kenneth Be
Cleveland, Ohio


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