Dear Mark,

It has often been said that the only stupid question is the one
which never gets asked.

There is no such thing as disapproval in the lute world. There are
almost as many ways to hold the lute as there are lute players. You
need to find what is most comfortable for you, bearing in mind your
technique (thumb-under or thumb-over). Many players choose to play
cross-legged; I don't because I'm getting on a bit and my legs are
stiff. Those who place the lute over their left knee, as do
classical guitarists, tend to play thumb outside, but not always;
others (like me) place the lute on their right leg, which often
suits those who play thumb-inside. Some play with a strap; others
don't. Some seek stability with a chamois leather; others don't.
Most of us avoid slippery clothes.

I have a friend who is a classical guitarist, and who plays the
lute. He uses a contraption to rest the guitar on his knees enabling
him to sit upright while he plays. He uses a similar contraption for
the lute; I use no such contraption. He plays with nails; I don't.
He plays thumb-outside; I don't. We play happily together.

The important thing is that you should be comfortable, and that your
hands should be free to play the lute without worrying about
dropping it. Try to see as many lutenists as possible, be prepared
to experiment, and you'll be fine.

Good luck with giving up cigarettes. That's far more important than
how you hold a lute, and a lot harder.

Stewart McCoy.

----- Original Message -----
From: "mark jordan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 12:42 PM
Subject: Stupid query from beginner

> Hello all,
> I'm a relative newcomer to the world of luting and
> this is my first venture into this absorbing forum.
> My query is this;
> I came to the lute, as I imagine most people do, from
> the guitar and am loving it.
> When playing the guitar I use a support known as an
> 'A' frame. It sticks on the side of the instrument
> with suckers and rests on the knee with a
> velcro-adjusted strap, holding the thing at the right
> height and angle.
> After struggling to hold the lute equally comfortably,
> I eventually decided to see if the frame would fit on
> it, which of course it does and makes it much easier
> to play.
> My query is; how much is this going to be disapproved
> of? Are artificial supports ever used, or should I
> keep this thing strictly secret?
> I've seen other players using a strap round the
> shoulders, but don't see that this would stop the
> thing turning in my lap due to the round back.
> The only other thing that helps is to jam the thing
> against a cigarette packet in my trouser pocket and
> I'm planning to give up soon.
> Thoughts please
> jez

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