Thank you, Stewart, for the fascinating explanation!

Does anyone know whether there is an electronic tuner that can be set =
for the various meantone tunings, or at least one that will show exactly =
at how many vibrations per second a given string is resonating?

I have been tuning my 10-course Renaissance lute at A =3D 415, using the =
Korg Chromatic Tuner CA-30, and am wondering whether there is a way to =
get a meantone tuning by varying the pitch of A a digit or two up or =
down on the tuner as I tune the successive strings. If so, is anyone =
mathematician enough to tell me by how much to vary the pitch of A on =
the tuner for each string?

I'm not sure whether my question is clear, so let me try to illustrate =
by an example. Let's say that if I set the tuner to A =3D 415, the C =
string vibrates at 107 and that I want it to vibrate at 108. Could I =
tune it to that pitch by resetting the tuner to A =3D 416, for example?

After all these questions, it probably would have been easier just to =
ask Stewart how he goes about tuning the strings to a precise number of =
vibrations per second. I am very interested in trying it, but don't know =
how to do it. So, I would appreciate any help anyone could give me.

Thank you.

Stephen Arndt


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