These laws exist to protect the eagle from being hunted solely for their 
feathers.  It does happen -  fortunately, less frequently when the law is 
strictly enforced.  I know it may seem strict to those of us who would not 
hunt a creature to the edge of extinction for trophies (and draconian to 
those who don't care), but there are plenty out there who would and do 
shoot eagles, take and sell the feathers, and try to get away with it by 
claiming that they had "found" them.  It is because of serious protection 
that eagles have begun to make a recovery from being endangered.

-Carl Donsbach

--On Monday, November 08, 2004 1:50 PM -0500 Vance Wood 

> You had better not pick one up off the ground either.  Environmental
> extremism not Native American issue.  At least that's the way it is out
> West (of the Mississippi that is).
> Vance Wood.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "bill kilpatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 1:25 PM
> Subject: eagle feathers
>> when i visited vermont in the states recently we went
>> to a place where birds of prey - raptors, they're
>> called - are cared for if found wounded or sick and
>> subsequently put on display if their condition is such
>> that releasing them back into the wild would do more
>> harm than good.
>> there were several eagles in the collection and i
>> asked in the souvineer shop if they had an eagle
>> feather for sale so that i might make a risha or
>> plectrum for my oud - eagles are traditionally
>> considered to produce the best.
>> i was surprised to discover that they are not for sale
>> - it's a federal offence to sell them in this, or any
>> other bird sanctuary that is not an american indian
>> based business.
>> ummph ... them tribes got some sharp lawyers down
>> there in washington.
>> - bill
>> =====
>> "and thus i made...a small vihuela from the shell of a creepy crawly..."
>> -
> Don Gonzalo de Guerrero (1512), "Historias de la Conquista del Mayab" by
> Fra Joseph of San Buenaventura
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 Carl Donsbach   -   User Support Analyst
 L I T Dept   -   Zimmerman Library, UNM
 Confounded eyeglasses... where'd I leave 'em this time...?        8:-{>

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