>> I also, happen to know that no record company will invest in something
>> that won't sell.
>Weiss-Barto series sold over 70000.

   I have heard, that Naxos, pays an artist, an up front fee of $1400.00 per
CD. and no royalties. They figure they will sell 2000, and that's it.
   Your better off doing it at home on your computer with a good mic. and
marketing them for $15.00 or $ 20.00 a CD rather than $7.95.  Surely, better
for the artist.  I wouldn't hesitate to buy Barto's Cd's at that price. He
would get what he deserves.

Michael Thames
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roman Turovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Thames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "lute net"
<lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>; "Denys Stephens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: memorization

> >> Yes, I totally agree!!!!  So why is Paul Odette's next CD going to have
> >> 3 Bach suites, and one Weiss.  Why did Nigel North, record the Chaconne
> > and
> >> a 4 CD set of all Bach, and one Weiss suite,  Edwardo Eg? CD's of all
> >> Bach?  and no Weiss.  I'll tell you why....it's marketed to
> >> Not quite. It is a bit more complicated. People record >Bach because it
> >> the grandest achievement of human spirit and there is no >better
> >> tool for our ambitions/qualities.
> >> Eduardo has an extremely fine CD of Weiss as well, >although his
> >> towards JSB is far greater than for SLW (I have it from >the horse's
> > mouth).
> >
> > No question, I totally agree with you concerning Bach as the ultimate.
> > I also, happen to know that no record company will invest in something
> > that won't sell.
> Weiss-Barto series sold over 70000.
> RT
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