I know that Mike Peterson and also Ronn McFarlane regularly play lute in 
airport departure lounges while waiting for their flights.  I myself once took 
out my lute and played during a long and unexpected flight delay in Toronto.  I 
was playing through a book of English popular tunes and suddenly found it 
humorous to be playing "Loth to Depart" - it was a new spin on flight delays!
Several people, including otherwise bored stewardesses and pilots, stopped by 
to see what I was playing and asked questions.  I overheard one captain exclaim 
to his co-pilot "that's a lute!" as they walked by!

-----Original Message-----
From: Arto Wikla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Edward Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
Sent: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 22:27:00 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Re: lute outreach -tuning..

Dear all

Ed wrote:

> I have wondered if anyone had ever taken a lute out in flight & played for 
> passengers!  Good show, Kenneth!

Well, not in aeroplane, but a couple of times in train, 10-course and 
theorbo. Both got good comments, and especially the theorbo aroused lots
of interest...

And of course they asked the normal questions: How many strings, what does
it cost...  ;-)

Once I had the theorbo sitting on the next seat in an aeroplane, in its 
case, and they asked what it would like to eat and drink...  ;)



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