At 01:25 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>An Austrian, Rodolfo [sic!] Soutscheck [sic!!!] trained the Florentine
>soccer team in 1939.

The relevance of this fact, if it is a fact, completely escapes me. 
If you are saying that some Austrians used Italianized names, you are 
breaking the lock on an open door. We know that already. If you 
intimate that just because one Austrian football coach working in 
Italy had an Italianized name, then an Austrian guitarist who was 
born in 1818 and was never in Italy could also have an Italianized 
name, without any evidence that he was so called, then allow me to 
introduce you to Giovanni Sebastiano Bach, Francesco Haydn, Roberto 
Schumann, Francesco Dolcevillico (Franz Suessmayr) and Federico Handel.

>So keep you sticky moneycounting fingers away from Arthur (ever a

I would not expect you to react any different. If plagiarizing 
information first generated by me and widely available on line for 
the last 8 years appears to you to be a gentlemanly thing to do, then 
of course you are entitled to your fealty to this Sociedad de Ladrones.

And as to your reference to my sticky monyecounting fingers: yes, 
they are indeed sticky and I do have such an uncontrollable urge to 
wash my hands every time I run into your scurrilous prose. But in 
this case, it is entirely off base. My posting of Leonhard Shulz' 
Recollections of Ireland Op. 41 in my web site 8 years ago, was a 
free offering, and still is.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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