At 06:18 PM 8/12/2005, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > IOW, you are assuming that a simple discussion of plagiarism, on
> > which there is no question, would necessarily deteriorate in this
> > forum into personal insults and name calling. You are right, and
> > Roman Turovsky did not waste any time changing the subject into a
> > personal attack on me and on my day job as a music publisher. But the
> > issue for me is real: if Arthur Ness had included the information he
> > ripped off my web site in a school paper, a scholarly article, or a
> > published book, he would have been tarred and feathered and
> > ostracized forever as a scholar. But in this forum, so it seems, he
> > can get away with anything.
>Yo've got that wrong. THIS IS ONE FORUM WHERE 

You are probably right. But since there is no 
moderator, the degree of getting away with 
something or nothing can only be determined by 
the number of people who put me in their kill 
file. This is a number which no one can know for 
certain, and certainly not you. If you think that 
resorting to your scurrilous personal attacks on 
me constitutes a degree of policing this forum, 
then you are probably right again. I used to 
worry about your posts, and even put you in a 
kill file. But once I figured out that you have 
nothing to say of any real importance, and all 
that you are capable of is spouting these 
Pavlovian predetermined responses to the 
slightest provocation, I removed you from my kill 
file. I have a few weeks of free time at the 
present, and I can well devote them to enjoying 
your predictability. Too bad you do not live 
closer to me. I can certainly use an artist on 
the pay roll, and I would love to have you closer 
to observe. There is a large banner on the front door of my office. It says:

Hire the high IQ intellectually challenged buffoons. They are fun to watch.

> > The issue here is that Leonhard Schulz left Vienna at the tender age
> > of 14, never to return, and spent most of his adult life in England
> > where he died in 1860. The number of newspaper reviews of his
> > concerts all over Europe, are far larger than the number of reviews
> > of all his contemporaries combined, and none of them, absolutely none
> > of them, use an Italianized Leonardo. The only place the name appears
> > in this spelling is in the 1934 Diccionario of Domingo Prat, in which
> > _all_ European names have been translated into their Spanish
> > equivalents. To use this spelling in the context of a discussion in
> > English, is to insinuate a false image of this talented guitarist
>Your little "invective" has as much relevance on this forum as your
>daughter's Moroccan eggplant (while the world knows that only Arabs can be
>trusted with eggplant preparation..)....

I agree with you about the Arabs and eggplants, 
but I can do a pretty good babaganouj and imam 
bayeldi, and my ratatouille provençal is also a 
dish some people who tasted it still talk about. 
As for the relevance of my invective to this forum:

It should be obvious, even to mental midgets like 
you, that the relevance of the subject matter of 
my invective in this forum was established by 
Arthur Ness' unconscionable introduction of 
Leonhard Schulz into this forum. Once introduced, 
the subject is fair game for discussion. Surely 
you do not mean to suggest that on any subject 
whatsoever, there is only one point of view that 
can be allowed here, and that is the view of the current nomenklatura?

But of course this is what you mean to suggest!

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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