At 06:24 AM 8/14/2005, Arthur Ness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This is what I mean about misrepresentation.  I did not refer to 
>OPhee's edition because it is so filled with mistakes.  Mistakes 
>that were first pointed out by Erik Stenstadvolrt in a review in 
>Classical Guitar magazine.  I "scandalously usurped" nothing of 
>Ophee's.  In fact I ignored it deliberately.

Now here is a misrepresentation on the grandest scale: The review in 
CG was of the 1984 printed edition, not on the 1997 on line edition. 
And thank you for stating the obvious, that you deliberately ignored 
some thing that you knew very well of its existence, which is exactly 
what I am talking about. Mistakes or otherwise, you pretended that 
the you just found the R&BS copy, when in fact, the very edition 
which you chose to criticize 8 years ago, contained the full details 
on the location of the original, and copies of it were reproduced in 
my on-line LTTE.

[needless repetitions of some bullshit snipped]

>This first came up on some guitar list with Stenstadvolt 
>participating. That's when I drew the Beethoven comparison,because 
>it explained whAt the correct notes were in the introduction, 
>F-naturals and B flats, not the F-sharps and B naturals favored by 
>Ophee and Erik.

Thank you for once again, confirming that you knew all along that 
this edition existed and that your pretensions of finding it were false.

>If Schulz (Schultz) wanted to use an Italianized form of his first 
>name,so what?

That's not the issue. The issue is that you don't know if Schulz ever 
wanted to use an Italianized name, there is no contemporary source 
with him that ever used an Italianized name and, the whole thing is 
based on some trumped up sick imagination that emanates from you and you alone.

>There's also some confusion about the spelling of Leonardo's last name.

There is no confusion, unless it is in your sick mind. All the 
sources, including all the dictionaries, newspaper advertisement, 
catalog entries in the R&BS collection, and particularly, all of 
Schulz' publications, of which there are quite a few, always spell 
the name as Schulz. Without the T. Thought you'd like to know.

>  This reminds me, RT, that the Bambino guitar that once belonged to 
> Madame Robert Sidney-Pratten,

You don't want to bring this canard once again. Trust me. I have 
prepared a rather large article on this subject last time we went 
through this, one which proves beyond any shadow of a possible doubt 
that when it comes to guitar matters you are an incompetent bumbling 
and moronic idiot. I have been in a charitable mood and refrained 
from publishing it, but if you are really interested in learning 
something, I will. In the meantime, just let me acquaint you with the 
genealogy of the Pratten family.

This was brought to my attention by Graham Pratten, a direct descendant.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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