I reside in a small City of just under 100,000 people in population.  In 
the downtown area, there has become a notorious area for teenage 
loitering.  The city tried to disperse them, using many means, such as 
using the police to patrol & mingle.  This did not work.  So, what _was_ 
effective was to have recorded Classical music, such as Mozart.  The 
loitering stopped;  none of them wanted to hear beautiful music.  Once day 
as I walked by, I actually heard broadcasting in that area Hopkinson 
Smith's Kapsberger recording!


At 04:36 PM 1/6/2006 -0600, Stuart LeBlanc wrote:

>Actually there a contraposition "Mozart effect," involving the dispersal of
>loitering teenagers, criminals, etc:

Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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