David Rastall wrote:

> And (as long as you're monitoring my grammar  ;-)  ;-)  please excuse
> my beginning the sentence with a conjunction)

But I wasn't monitoring your grammar; I was just counting question 
marks.  And you weren't around for the great 
start-a-sentence-with-a-question-mark debate, in which I pointed out 
that the best writers of English literature start sentences with 
conjunctions all the time.  It was a great victory for statistical 
evidence and a great annoyance to those narrow-minded readers on this 
list who have the peculiar notion that we should be talking about the 

> it also seems like a bit
> of a leap of logic for these experts to assert that early familiarity
> with sonata-allegro form will make you a better person.

Ah, but the premise is self-evident.  Just try to find someone who can 
identify the transition from the development to the recapitulation in a 
maximum-security prison (you won't find one) or the Bush administration 
(maybe Condaleezza Rice, but that's it).  Q.E.D.

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