what a beautiful story!
Thank you for telling it!

Arthur Ness wrote:

>scroll down to the bottom picture.  That's where they
>went.  But a general (Russian?  German?) made the castle
>into his headquarters.  A junior office opened the boxes
>and realized what they were. Because he feared the
>general's headquarters might be bombarded, he took the
>boxes of books a few miles down the road and stored them
>in another castle.
>After the war, when the Germans came to get their boxes 
>were not where they left them. They asked the locals.
>Oh, they had seen soldiers burning books to keep warm. 
>orignal scores to Magic Flute and Beethoven's Fifth had
>served to cook eggs as far as the world knew.
>The Polish authorities found the boxes and in secret
>moved them to Cracow as war reparations.  Only about 15
>years ago did they acknowledge that they had them.
>Everything survived!
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Peter Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Arthur Ness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: "Lute list" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 10:23 AM
>Subject: [LUTE] Re: Spinacino
>>Thank you Arthur.  What an extraordinary story, and
>>what a happy ending.
>>Howard Mayer Brown's book certainly lives on my desk.
>>A good quality
>>reprint is available on demand from iuniverse.com for
>>the very reasonable
>>price of $32.95.  560 jam-packed pages.
>>On 20/04/07, Arthur Ness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Yes, the photostats made for Gen=E8vieve Thibault,
>>>are now
>>>in the Biblioth=E8que nationale. The unique Berlin
>>>copy of
>>>Spinacino, long thought destroyed, was acknowledged
>>>Polish authorities to be in Cracow only about 15
>>>In Brown's bibliography* ALL of the prints marked
>>>"D:Bds (L)" [for "Germany: Berlin, Deutsche
>>>Staatsbibliothek (Lost)"] have survived at the
>>>Jagiellonska Library in Cracow (about 50 16th-century
>>>titles).  When I was in Berlin, I
>>>was able to consult the pre-war card catalogue in
>>>East Berlin, and made
>>>a listing of all the lute prints and manuscripts that
>>>had been in the former Prussian State Library,
>>>call-numbers.  When finally only about 15 years ago,
>>>Polish authorities admitted they had the Berlin
>>>materials, I sent the list to an American guitarist
>>>studying in Cracow. He confirmed that each and every
>>>title was extant (except for an Adriannsen print).
>>>At first there was confusion, because many of the
>>>volumes were Sammelb=E4nde (bound volumes containing
>>>several often unrelated prints).  When the collection
>>>was catalogued, reputedly by Polish students, only
>>>item in each Sammelband was noted.  So through an
>>>oversight, many prints
>>>remained uncatalogued and were thought to have been
>>>lost.  Also all of the manuscripts of lute music have
>>>survived, and an inventory* by Dieter Kirsch was
>>>published a few years ago.
>>>So a third of the treasures of surely the most
>>>collection of music ever assembled were for forty+
>>>thought to have been destroyed during World War II.
>>>(These included Mozart's autograph manuscript for
>>>Flute._)  I hope Stuart Walsh took a look when he was
>>>Cracow.  There's even some guitar music there, too.
>>>*Howard Mayer Brown.
>>>Instrumental Music printed before
>>>1600: A bibliography. (Cambridge: Harvard U. Press,
>>>This is a book that belongs on every lutenist's desk.
>>>It is out-of-print but an on-demand reprint can be
>>>acquired.  Perhaps someone can post the information
>>>**Dieter Kirsch and Lenz Meirott,
>>>Berliner Lautentabulaturen in Krakau : beschreibender
>>>Katalog der handschriftlichen Tabulaturen fur Laute
>>>verwandte Instrumente in der Biblioteka
>>>Krakow aus dem
>>>Besitz der ehemaligen Preussischen Staatsbibliothek
>>>( Mainz ; New York : Schott, c1992), xxxiv, 432 p. :
>>>ill., music ; 25 cm.
>>>Schriften der Musikhochschule Wurzburg ; Bd. 3.
>>>NOTE: Catalog of intabulation incipits for lute,
>>>and related   plucked instruments from the middle of
>>>16th century (ms. 40154) until the end of the 18th
>>>century (ms. 40150)
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Peter Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>To: "Lute list" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>>>Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 4:26 AM
>>>Subject: [LUTE] Spinacino
>>>>My Minkoff facsimile of Spinacino says that the
>>>>original unique copy held in
>>>>Berlin before the second world war has disappeared,
>>>>and that the facsimile
>>>>was made from photographs.  But I seem to remember
>>>>reading somewhere that
>>>>the original had been found again.  Is this true?
>>>>Peter Martin
>>>>Belle Serre
>>>>La Caulie
>>>>81100 Castres
>>>>tel: 0033 5 63 35 68 46
>>>>web: www.silvius.co.uk
>>>>To get on or off this list see list information at
>>Peter Martin
>>Belle Serre
>>La Caulie
>>81100 Castres
>>tel: 0033 5 63 35 68 46
>>web: www.silvius.co.uk


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