
The mix up in the cataloguing of the Berlin lute prints
was back in the 70s and 80s. I thought by now everything
be in order, and the library's catalogue would have
everything properly listed.  But Howard Mayer Brown
hired a studen tto look through the collection for 
prints, or something like that. But if the cataloguing
is still incomplete (I can't imagine that it is), the
easiest way would be to consult the pre-war card 
in the Musik Abteilung of the Deutsche (formerly 
Prussian) Staatsbibliothek in

Can't you find Spinacino just by looking in the
catalogue?  Hmmm?  I looked in the on-line catalogue and
couldn't find any of the lute prints I know to be in the
Jagiellonska Library.

At the end of next week I'll post a short list of
composer/publisher and call number of everything I know
about.  But not just  now, since I'm in the midst of an
important project.

In the meantime you should be able to
get Spinacino's two books by using the call number
P680(a) and P680(b).  Those prints had been in the
Berlin library for a long time, since they came with the
Poelchau collection in 1841.  Poor Poelchau his stuff
really got messed with.  He was librarian at the Berlin
Singakademie, replacing Roman's idol Zelter.  And you
know what happened to the Singakademie library. It ended
up in Kiev (Is Kiev your hometown, Roman?). Again it was
held in secret for a half century.  It is now returned 
to Berlin, or due to be returned.

Is Piotr Pozniak still active, or has he retired?  I
would think that he would have looked at everything long
ago.  I'll post a list later this week.  Or early next
week.  Just be patient with me.<g>

Best regards, Jerzy,  Arthur.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerzy Zak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lute list" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 9:40 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Spinacino

> Dear Arthur,
> Nice to get so quick responce from you. I'm teaching
> in Krakow since
> 1993 and am there every week, since I live in Warsaw
> for quite a long
> time now. My personal sentiments, as a player, were
> always closer to
> Reusner, Le Sage, Bronikowski or Rust which I located
> at the
> Jagiellonian Libr. a long time ago already. Several
> other items,
> including many XVIth C. tablatures, are in one or the
> other way more
> famous and ''known'' anyway, so I left diging deeper
> in them to others
> (like Micha³ Gondko, for ex.). But I'd love to learn
> from you more
> about all of them, as it's probably my duty - to a
> certain extend - for
> being ''on spot''.
> I'll be in Krakow the next Tuesday and will check up
> things if you have
> time to list them. If that would take to long, I'll
> continue the next
> week or call Sylwia to help me. I'm glad you want to
> assist me (and us)
> in completing the list.
> Best regards,
> Jerzy
> __________________
> On 2007-05-13, at 00:20, Arthur Ness wrote:
>> Dear Jerzy,
>> Nice to hear from you "on the spot" so to speak. How
>> long have you been in Krakow?
>>  I am very busy at the moment, but at a later date
>> I'll
>> provide a complete listing of the lute tablatures in
>> Krakow.  My list has about 100 (one hundred) prints.
>> I'll comment on specifics and perhaps for the time
>> being
>> "snip" a bit.
>>> Then perhaps some of you already know which of the
>>> entries (from that
>>> badly catalogued prints in 1970s) contain in the
>>> Sammelband/ joint
>>> binder the SPINACINO book at the back - probably
>>> still
>>> kept in
>>> secret...
>> [AJN>>>Both books I and II are in Krakow
>> catalogued under P680(a) and P680(b).  The "P" call
>> number is for Petrucci.
>> The American guitarist Paul Wierbowski held them in
>> his
>> hand.  They are also listed
>> as being in Krakow in Stanley Boorman's recent
>> Petrucci
>> catalogue.
>> [AJN>>>I don't have time to make a list now.  But my
>> list checked by Paul on site (he looked at the
>> volumes
>> himself) includes:
>> [AJN>>>Bakfark, Bassano. Besard. Drusina, FdaM (2x),
>> Fuenllana, Fuhrmann, Gabrieli, M. Galilei, Gerle,
>> Heckel
>> (bound with your Wecker), Jobin, Kapsberger, Kargel,
>> Le
>> Sage, Mylius (?)**, Negri (Gratia & Nuove)  M.
>> Newsidler, Vallet, and so forth (1 1/2
>> pages of 4 pages.).  The Newsidler volumes are
>> especially important because they are presentation
>> copies from Newsidler to the Duke of Bavaria.
>> **It's there (G 140). Bound with Galilei.
>>> ______________________________start
>>> BB/BJ • printed LUTE music
>>> • N 70
>>> • Narvaez de, Luis
>>> Los seys libros del Delphin de musica de cifras para
>>> taner vihuela.
>>> • Valladolid, 1538, Diego H. de Cordova
>>> • N 66: 1538/22 • T.VII, p.143
>>> • W 510
>>> • Wyssenbach (ed.), Rudolf
>>> Tabulaturbuch auff die Lutten von mancherley
>>> lieplicher italianischer
>>> Dantzliedern…
>>> • Zürich, 1550, Rudolf Wyssenbach
>>> • 1550\25 • T.X, p. 310
>> [AJN>>>W510 has an important manuscript appendix.
>>> • H 695 2
>>> • Wecker, Hans Jakob
>>> Lautenbuch vonn mancherley schönen und lieblichen
>>> Stucken mit zweyen
>>> Lautten zusammen zu schlagen.
>>> • Basel, 1552, Ludwig Lück
>>> • 2 lutes: T
>>> • T.X, p. 197 (unicum)
>>> • G 440
>>> • Gerle, Hans
>>> Eyn Newes sehr künstlichs Lautenbuch darinnen
>>> etliche
>>> Preambel, unnd
>>> Welsche Tentz, mit vier stimmen, von den berumbsten
>>> Lautenisten…
>>> • Nürnberg, 1552, Hieronymus Formschneider
>>> • G 1624: 1552\31 • T.IV, p. 208
>>> • F 900
>>> • Fuenllana, Miguel de
>>> Libro de musica para vihuela, intitulado Orphenica
>>> lyra. En el qual se
>>> contienen muchas y diversas obras.
>>> • Sevilla, 1554, Martin de Montesdoca
>>> • F 2093; 1554\32: • T.IV, p. 98
>>> • H 690
>>> • Heckel, Wolff
>>> Lautten Buoch von mancherley schönen und lieblichen
>>> stucken, mit zweyen
>>> Lauten zusamen zuschlagen und auch sonst das mehrer
>>> theyl allein für
>>> sich selbst…
>>> • Straßburg, 1556, Urban Wyss
>>> • 2 lutes: C
>>> • H 4934 • T.V, p. 83
>>> • H 695 1
>>> • Heckel, Wolff
>>> Lautten Buch von mancherley schönen und lieblichen
>>> stucken mit zweyen
>>> Lauten zusamen zuschlagen und auch sonst das mehrer
>>> theyl allein für
>>> sich selbst…
>>> • Straßburg, 1562, Chr. Müller
>>> • 2 lutes: T
>>> • H 4935: 1562\24 • T.V, p. 83
>>> • F 495
>>> • Francesco da Milano
>>> Intabolatura de Lauto di M. Francesco Milanese et M.
>>> Perino Fiorentino.
>>> Ricercate, Madrigali e Canzone franzese. Libro I.
>>> • Roma, 1566, V. Dorico & Lodovico frat.
>>> • T.XI, 2.728
>> Unicum.  Only a fragment is in France.
>>> • H 40
>>> • Adriaensen (ed.), Emanuel
>>> Pratum musicum Longe Amoenissimum… Selectissima
>>> diversorum idiomatum
>>> Carmina 4.5.& 6. Vocum… Opus novum.
>>> • Antwerpen, 1584, Pierre Phalese, Rubro Leone
>>> • 4-6 voci, lute
>>> • 1584\12 • T. p. 44
>>> • W 70
>>> • Waissel, Matthäus
>>> Lautenbuch Darinn von der Tabulatur und Application
>>> der Lauten
>>> gründlicher und voller Unterricht: Sampt
>>> ausserlesenen
>>> Deudtschen und
>>> Polnischen Tentzen…
>>> • Franckfurt\O, 1592, Andreas Eichornlute
>>> • W 77 • T.X, p. 156
>>> • N 138
>>> • Negri, Cesare
>>> Le gratie d'amore… opera nuova, et vaghissima.
>>> • Milano, 1602, P Pontio, G.B.Piccaglia
>>> • N 358 • T.VII, p.166
>>> • K 65 (2)
>>> • Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus
>>> Libro primo di villanelle a 1. 2 et 3 voci
>>> accommodate
>>> per qualsivoglia
>>> strumento con l'intavolatura del chitarone et
>>> alfabeto
>>> per la chitarra
>>> spagnola… raccolta dal Sigr Cavalier Flamminio
>>> Flamminij.
>>> • Roma, 1610, s.n.
>>> • 1-3 voci, bc
>>> • K 183 • T.V, p. 323
>>> • K 65 (1)
>>> • Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus
>>> Libro primo di mottetti passeggiati a una voce…
>>> raccolto dal Sigr.
>>> Francesco de Nobili.
>>> • Roma, 1612, s.n.
>>> • 1 voce, bc
>>> • K 185 • T.V, p.323
>>> • K 65 (3)
>>> • Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus
>>> Libro primo di arie passeggiate a una voce, con
>>> l'intavolatura del
>>> chitarone… raccolto dal Sigr Cav. Fra Jacomo
>>> Christoforo ab Andlaw.
>>> • Roma, 1612, s.n.
>>> • 1 voce, bc
>>> • K 186 • T.V, p. 323
>>> • R 400
>>> • Reymann, Matthaeus
>>> Cythara sacra sive Psalmodiae Davidis ad usum
>>> testudinis accommodatae
>>> per…
>>> • Koln, 1613, Gerh. Greuenbruch
>>> • T.VIII, s.203 (unicum)
>>> • A 500
>>> • Aragona, Paolo d'
>>> Amorose Querele, Canzonette A Tre Voci. Segnate Con
>>> Le
>>> Lettere
>>> dell'Alfabeto per la Chitarra alla spagnola, sopra
>>> la
>>> parte del Basso,
>>> e Canto. Parte Seconda.
>>> • Napoli, 1616, Lucretio Nucci
>>> • 3 voci
>>> • A 1307 • T.I, p. 182
>>> • K 72
>>> • Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus
>>> Libro secondo di villanelle a 1.2. et 3. voci; con
>>> l'alfabeto per la
>>> chitarra spagnola… raccolte dal Sig. Ascanio
>>> Ferrari.
>>> • Roma, 1619, Giovanni Batt. Robletti
>>> • 1-3 voci, bc
>>> • K 189 • T.V, p. 323
>>> • K 73
>>> • Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus
>>> Libro terzo di vallanelle a 1.2 et 3. voci
>>> accommodate
>>> per qual si
>>> voglia stromento con l'intavolatura del chitarone et
>>> alfabeto per la
>>> chitarra spagnola… raccolta dal Sigr Francesco
>>> Porta.
>>> • Roma, 1619, s.n.
>>> • 1-3 voci, bc
>>> • K 190 • T.V, p. 323
>>> • G 140 (1)
>>> • Galilei, Michelangelo
>>> Primo libro d'intavolatura di liuto… nel' quale si
>>> contengono varie
>>> sonate: come, toccate, gagliarde, correnti, volte
>>> passemezzi &
>>> saltarelli.
>>> • München, 1620, s.n.
>>> • G 143 • T.IV, s. 128
>>> • G 140 (2)
>>> • Mylius, Johann Daniel
>>> Thesaurus gratiarum, in quibus continentur
>>> diversorum
>>> authorum
>>> cantiones selctissimae, utpote: Preambula, Toccadae,
>>> Fugae…
>>> • Franckfurt\M, 1622, Hartmann Palthenius
>>> • T.VII, s. 130
>>> • authors: Douland (25), V.Gall (9), Gautier (4),
>>> Rosider Anglus (9),
>>> Wilhelm Anglus (4), Tessier (1), Merteli (2), anon.
>>> (48)
>>> • K 74
>>> • Kapsberger, Johannes Hieronymus
>>> Libro quarto di villanelle a una e piu voci con
>>> l'alfabeto per la
>>> chitarra spagnola… raccolte dal Signor Marcello
>>> Panocchieschi de Conti
>>> d'Elci.
>>> • Roma, 1623, Luca Antonio Soldi
>>> • 1… voci, bc
>>> • K 192 • T.V, p. 323
>>> • C 405
>>> • Cazzati, Maurizio
>>> Correnti, e balletti per sonare nella spinetta,
>>> leuto,
>>> o tiorba; overo
>>> violino, e violone, col secondo violino a
>>> beneplacito…
>>> opera XXX.
>>> • Bologna, 1662, Antonio Pisarri
>>> • vn II
>>> • C 1624 • T.II, p. 385
>>> • M 815
>>> • Millioni, Pietro
>>> Vero e facil modo d'imparare a sonare, et accordare
>>> da
>>> se medesimo la
>>> chitarra spagnola, non solo con l'alfabeto et
>>> accordatura ordinarij, ma
>>> anco con un'altro alfabeto,… da Pietro Milione, e L.
>>> Monte
>>> • Venezia, 1673, Angelo Salvadori
>>> • chitarra
>>> • M 2842 • T.VI, p.477
>>> • M 818
>>> • Millioni, Pietro
>>> Nuova corona d'intavolatura di chitarra spagnola
>>> novamente ristampata
>>> secondo il vero originale… con alcune sonate, e
>>> passeggiate nuove…
>>> • Roma, 1676, erede del Mancini
>>> • chitarra spagnola
>>> • komplet, RISM and Eitner gives different ed.
>>> • R 380
>>> • Reusner, Esaias (Sohn)
>>> Hundert Geistliche Melodien Evangelischer Lieder,
>>> welche auf die Fest-
>>> und andere Tage, so wol in der christlichen Gemeine,
>>> als auch daheim
>>> gesungen werden…
>>> • [Berlin], [1676], Reusner
>>> • R 1221 • T.VIII, p.196
>>> • R 385
>>> • Reusner, Esaias (Sohn)
>>> Neue Lauten-Fruchte Allen dieses Instruments
>>> Liebhabern zur
>>> Ergotzlichkeit, Ubung und Nutzen, mit besonderem
>>> Fleisse auffgesetzet
>>> und verleget.
>>> • s.l., 1676, Reusner
>>> • R 1220 • T.VIII, p.196
>>> • K 275
>>> • Kremberg, Jakob
>>> Musicalische Gemüths-Ergötzung, oder, Arien, samt
>>> deren unterlegten
>>> hochdeutschen Gedichten… Welche also eingerichtet,
>>> daß
>>> sie entweder mit
>>> einer Stimme allein zu singen, benebenst dem General
>>> Ba߅
>>> • Dresden, 1689, Christoph Mathesius
>>> • K 2009 • T.V, p. 437
>>> • L 895
>>> • Le Sage de Richée, Philipp Franz
>>> Cabinet der Lauten in welchem zu finden 12. neue
>>> Partien, aus
>>> unterschiedenen Tonen und neuesten Manier so aniezo
>>> gebräuchlich,
>>> welche bestehen in Praeludien, Allemanden,
>>> Couranten…
>>> • s.l., s.a., s.n.
>>> • L 2054 • T.VI, p. 1
>>> ______________________________end
>>> To get on or off this list see list information at

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