On Sep 18, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Ed Durbrow wrote:

> When you say it is difficult for you to turn your left hand
> completely over, I don't understand what you mean,

Nor I, but it reminds me of The Exorcist.

> but if you mean it is difficult to reach around and touch the
> frets, you are probably doing something not quite right. You
> shouldn't have to bend the wrist excessively. I think you would do
> well to get some lessons in the beginning stage when habits are
> formed.

No lie.  But in the meantime, relax your left arm and let it drop.
Then raise it to about shoulder height so you're looking at your palm
and the fingers are in a relaxed curve. The second knuckles of the
fourth, third and second fingers should describe something like a
rising diagonal line.  When the neck of the instrument is between
your thumb and fingers, it should be roughly at that height and
roughly parallel with that line.  Keep your left thumb low enough on
the back of the neck so your palm doesn't touch the neck


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