Dear Seth,
All of those..
Materials, Labor, Know-how and the fact that are so few lutenists around the world. In Romania... we are just few (maximum 10) of us and the population is 23 millions
Selling en-gros makes the price lower.
If you buy a Pakistani lute, as mister Lorinczi said, you have to desansemble this and to rebuild it.
500 usd plus the cost to rebuild the whole thing.

My lute is a piece of art!
I really like it and is worth to compare with other lutes. also
If you want to see lutes produced by mister lorinczi
please visit my blog

Sorry for my Romanian :)
that theorba, vihuela from this clip are made by lorinczi too
the rosette is from my lute

this lutenist, Caius Hera is a Romanian, the best lutenist in the country in my humble opinion, former student of Hopkinson Smith at Schola Cantorum BAsiliensis,
He is playing on Lorinczi Lutes here


Seth Appel wrote:
   So the thread about student lutes and costs has got my brain working...
   and let me state right away that by profession I am a business man and
   not am musician.

   Why does a lute cost as much as it does?

   Is it materials?


   A price premium for know-how?

   Are the Pakistani lutes cheap (in both the good and bad sense) because
   they are using poor materials, or is it because the craftspeople simple
   don't know how to make them better?  Could an accomplished luthier go
   to Pakistan and work with them for a month and enable them to start
   producing truly good lutes at the same price?

   Or would this transformation take years of education and training?

   I wouldn't expect the Pakistani factory to produce master peices, but,
   as noted earlier, if someone can produce passable violins at $300, and
   lord knows there are plenty of cheap but OK guitars around, it escapes
   me why there are not cheap but OK lutes in the marketplace.

   On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 2:18 PM, marius david cruceru
   <[1]> wrote:

     Hello, Luther,
     My suggestion is to contact mister Lorinczi. He is living in
     Romania, in Tg. Mures.
     He made my lute,  A VEnere, 8, a beautiful instrument,
     contact me to give you his email address to negociate the price.
     Would you like to have a REnnassaince Lute or a Baroque?
     Let me know if you are interested.
     best regards
     marius david cruceru
     [2] wrote:

     As Chris said, don't give up Luther.  I found two very nice
     on Wayne's list at good prices (I have an instrument on order from
     Larson).   But before I found those instruments, I did a lot of
     practicing on a guitar using lute technique as best I could from some
     investigation.  Put on a light set of strings and give it a try.  I
     didn't use a capo, but you could to shorten the string length and
     the pitch up g'.  This would at least get you going in a lute
     until you find an affordable instrument.

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