I don't know if it was the same concert, but I remember him playing an
   all DeVise concert at a Lute Seminar Dominican College. Someone told me
   later he had injured a finger and played the whole concert with three
   fingers. I think nobody noticed any flaws. I think Paul Odette started
   off the week playing a lot of Dalza on a little lute. I remember you
   remarking to him how it was very folk-like in spirit.

   On Oct 18, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Peter Danner wrote:

   I heard Hoppy under two very different situations back in the '70s
   when I was an officer with the Lute Society of America. Both were at
   summer seminars, which in those days were held in California. The
   first was at a seminar at Idyllwild in the mountains southeast of Los
   Angeles, where USC has a summer arts program. Hoppy played in an
   auditorium there that had a glass roof. It was not a large hall, but
   unfortunately there was a summer rain storm happening at the same
   time. Hoppy's playing was totally drowned out by the pitter-pat of
   the rain on the roof.
   The other occasion worth mentioning was at Dominican College in San
   Rafael. I was fortunate enough to draw Hoppy Smith as a roommate. The
   night before his big concert, he said he hoped I didn't mind if he
   practiced a bit as I was heading to bed. Hoppy was focused on de
   Visee in those days, and I still remember falling off to sleep to the
   delicious sounds of his theorbo and Les Sylvains.
   Peter Danner
   On Oct 18, 2010, at 1:26 AM, Thomas Schall wrote:
    I can follow your comment about Hoppy because he is playing at a
   *very* low volume. I have heard him both in a large church playing as
   well as in a small salon. The first has been disappointing - the
   second has been a nice experience.
   I've heard Julian Bream in a larger room - volume has not been a
   problem at all .
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   Ed Durbrow
   Saitama, Japan



   1. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   2. http://www9.plala.or.jp/edurbrow/
   3. http://www.musicianspage.com/musicians/9688/

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