Thanks, folks! BCS

Quoting Stephen Arndt <>:

I found this in our local music library a few years ago and rather liked it:

Le gagliarde dal Libro d'intavolatura di liuto (Gal; 6): edizione critica con intavolature per liuto e con trascrizione in notazione moderna
Vincenzo Galilei; a cura di Giulia Perni
Publication Info
Publication Information: Pisa: Edizioni ETS, ©2000

-----Original Message----- From:
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 11:41 AM
To: LuteNet list
Subject: [LUTE] Galilei lute works

Hi, folks - a couple questions about Galilei lute works:

Is the Primo Libro D'intavolatura di Liuto  the only collection of his
stuff, or did he write more?

I've got the Edizioni Suvini Zerboni of this book - found it in the
Toronto library. Would anyone know how where I might go to find my own
copy? Thank - hope everyone is enjoying the summer - BCS

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