A bit more, Benny.  The edition cited by Stephen contains gagliarde
   from an important Galilei dance source, an immense manuscript compiled
   by him perhaps in anticipation of additional printed tablatures.  It
   contains clean copies of 275 pieces!  Libro d'Intauolatura di liuto  .
   . . composte in diuersi tempi da Vincentio Galilei scritto l'anno 1584,
   Ms. Fondo anteriori di Galileo 6, in the Biblioteca nationale centrale
   in Florence.

   There is a facsimile edition, edited by Orlando Christoforetti
   (Florence: S.P.E.S, 1991). The gagliarde published by Giulia Perni come
   from part three of the manuscript and have descriptive titles, e.g.,
   Polymnia (the muse of sacred music--used in Respighi's Ancient Airs and
   Dances), Amarilli, Clio, Calliope, etc.  There is a second section of
   gagliarde by "Autori diversi,"  but no composer attributions are given;
   many of the pieces are by Santino Garsi da Parma, however. Otherwise
   the manuscript contains passamezzos, romanescas, and saltarellos, most
   with many virtuoso varied reprises.


   ----- Original Message -----
   From: <[1]be...@interlog.com>
   To: "LuteNet list" <[2]lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 11:19 PM
   Subject: [LUTE] Re: Galilei lute works

   > Thanks, folks! BCS
   > Quoting Stephen Arndt <[3]stephenar...@earthlink.net>:
   >> I found this in our local music library a few years ago and rather
   liked it:
   >> Le gagliarde dal Libro d'intavolatura di liuto (Gal; 6): edizione
   >> critica con intavolature per liuto e con trascrizione in notazione
   >> moderna
   >> Responsibility
   >> Vincenzo Galilei; a cura di Giulia Perni
   >> Publication Info
   >> Publication Information: Pisa: Edizioni ETS, (c)2000
   >> -----Original Message----- From: [4]be...@interlog.com
   >> Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 11:41 AM
   >> To: LuteNet list
   >> Subject: [LUTE] Galilei lute works
   >> Hi, folks - a couple questions about Galilei lute works:
   >> Is the Primo Libro D'intavolatura di Liuto  the only collection of
   >> stuff, or did he write more?
   >> I've got the Edizioni Suvini Zerboni of this book - found it in the
   >> Toronto library. Would anyone know how where I might go to find my
   >> copy? Thank - hope everyone is enjoying the summer - BCS
   >> To get on or off this list see list information at
   >> [5]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > --


   1. mailto:be...@interlog.com
   2. mailto:lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
   3. mailto:stephenar...@earthlink.net
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   5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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